NCBC Annual Conferences 2023 & 2024
The next NCBC ANNUAL CONFERENCE is being held on at the Kings Fund in London.
Attendance is only for staff working in one of the 29 cardiac centres which are members of the NCBC and is by invitation only. Each centre nominates a group of named delegates to attend and represent their centre or specialties. We are delighted to welcome so many of you this year and that the conference is now fully booked!
This is a multi-disciplinary event – with a wide range ofplenary and breakout topics relevant to all specialties and staff working in our NHS specialist & tertiary cardiac centres.
The outline programme is available to view below.
Further detailed information about the conference programme, speakers conference slides, will be made available on the members area of the NCBC website.
If you are staff working in one of the NCBC specialist cardiac centres who are members of the NCBC, you can apply to get a log-in to the Members Area of the website by completing the ‘request a login’ form on the "Login to Member's Area" page.
For further information about the NCBC and the Annual Conference please contact